The 2030 Concept of the NATO; Their Big Nightmare China

There has been a big difference in the United States’ view of China lately. Relations between China and the Western world.

Written By; Foreign Analysis – Jun 24, 2022

There are no eternal friendship or eternal hostilities in international politics, only eternal interest. A state, that is your friend or partner today can be your enemy tomorrow. This equation between states may vary according to the political situation of that period. No matter how strong a state is, it may sometimes need to balance the opposite state or bloc. In this way, the foundations of bipolar international politics in the Cold War period and the logic of blocs are better understood. At that time, polarization and purification peaked and the relationship between the liberal democratic world and the autocratic communist world fell to zero.

The United States wanted to containment the Soviets as much as possible, narrow their range of action, and imprison the Soviets to its territory. In this respect, China was a great opportunity for the United States both because of its large population and its vast territory. If the United States had been able to establish relations with China it would have gained a huge advantage over the Soviets. Also in this way, it could widen the crack in the communist world.

The United States wanted to containment the Soviets as much as possible, narrow their range of action, and imprison the Soviets to its territory. In this respect, China was a great opportunity for the United States both because of its large population and its vast territory. If the United States had been able to establish relations with China it would have gained a huge advantage over the Soviets. Also in this way, it could widen the crack in the communist world.

They thought that if we gave China a share of this liberal economic wealth, China would get richer and that wealth would bring liberalization and China would one day be a liberal democratic state. In this way, the United States would both stabilize the Soviets and liberalize China. In a nutshell, that was the USA’s expect. However, the plan did not go as the US had hoped. Of course, China was integrated into the system and it became number one in the global trade network, but this did not liberalize China. On the contrary, this wealth made them more communist.
There is a simple and real formula in economics. As money in your pocket increasing, your spending increase also. As a matter of fact, this also valid to all states in international politics. So, if any state develops economically the desire and enthusiasm of that state and its military muscle power develop in parallel. And that’s exactly what China is doing right now. For instance; in the eraly 2000’s China was in contact with other states on Confucian values and was more gentle. Their rhteoric was more peaceful and soft but this has begun to change in recent years. Chinese Foreign Minister, at a meeting attended by Asian Foreign Minister ”we are China, we have 1.4 billion people, who are you?” he said. This reveals that China is trying to establish a regional dominations and this is the other step in a country that wants to be a superpower.

Although world views are separate from each other, the issue of China’s rise and superpower has been a problem for both Trump and Biden. However, Trump’s policy against the China was both un-infrastructure and unsuccesful. In his era, China gained more ground due to cracks caued by Trump in transatlantic relations. Besides under Biden’s administration, America does not exhibit such a attutide. Mr. Biden is following a policy of containment China by otherisning and demonizing China, attracting its allies in both NATO and the Indo-Pasific region. As you can see, the recent era American foreign policy against the China has evolued from liberal inclusive to realsit exclusionary.

At the last NATO meeting in Spain and the American security strategy documents recently published, the next decade was emphasized. According to them, Chian is both a great threat to democracy and existance of America and therefore it needs to be prevented. Otherwise, China and communism will rule the whole world.

About Author

About Author

Ahmet Aksu is an undergraduate student in Political Science and International Relations at Necmettin Erbakan University. His main areas of study are Foreign Policy Analysis, International Relations Theories and the Asia-Pacific Region. Aksu's articles are also published in the Amerika Gazetesi.


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