Bosnia and Herzegovina and International Intervention

 It is still controversial among Bosnians the Dayton Agreement signed at the end of the Bosnian War was a victory or a defeat.

Written By; Selin Ardıç – Oct 03, 2023

The administration of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia established by the constitution in 1946, was taken over by socialist Tito in 1963. Then, the name of the country was changed to Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. As can be understood from this new name; Tito was a socialist leader, not a nationalist. Therefore he was in the Eastern Bloc during the cold war years. The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is a heterogeneous region that hosts many ethnicities. This heterogeneous structure has entered the process of disintegration with the collapse of the USSR and its ideology of communism after the cold war. And the states that formed Yugoslavia turned to the idea of independence. The main source of this idea of independence was Serbia. Serbian leaders began to desire to gather minority people in other countries under one roof. The dream of “Greater Serbia” appeared for the first time nowadays. All the massacres were to realize ‘Greater Serbia’ and prevent the formation of an independent Muslim state in Europe. I think the second situation is more dominant. Because; while Slovenia and Croatia gained their independence, they did not face as much reaction and attack as Bosnia. Also, that Croatia and Serbia, which are at the war with each other, act together against Bosnia proves this.


The winds of independence first started to blow in Slovenia and Croatia and they became independent. Then, Bosnia and Herzegovina held a referandum between February 29 and  March 1. As a result of the referandum, the majority of the votes were ‘yes’. But Serbian nationalists were not happy with this result. They claimed allegiance to Yugoslavi.



Another factor that triggered the Bosnian War, the demographic structure of the country. The country is at least as heterogeneous as Yugoslavia. The mostly of population consists Bosnian, Serbs and Croats respectively. When we examine the map, we see that Serbs are especially crowded in the northern and southern parts of the country. The reason for this is Serbia’s Serbianization policy in the 1960s. The reason for its presence in the North is to create a buffer zone between Croats and Bosnians and the reason for its presence in the South is to cut off relations with Muslims in the other countries. This policy resulted in Bosnians becoming undefended as mentioned by Professor Doctor Adamir Jerkovic. So, the Bosnians tried to resist the Serbs with weapons, which they later had to surrender to the UN. Later in the war, the UN declared six places, including Srebrenica, safe zones. Dutch forces were responsible to protect the area. Bosnians took refuge in the region, unaware that they would be handed over to the Serbs. Serbian commander Ratko Mladic, known as the “Butcher of Bosnia”, came to Srebrenica and stated that it was time to take revenge on the Turks. The Turks he is talking about are actually Muslim Bosnians. This makes it more understandable why Bosnia and its people are important for Turks.


Imposed Peace Treaty: Dayton


Dayton Agreement; it is the agreement signed by the parties on December 14, 1995 that officially ended the Bosnian War. However, the agreement is a victory or a defeat still controversial among Bosnians. Because the agreement was signed under international pressures and in a very hasty manner. Professor Doctor Adamir Jerkovic binds this situation to the elections in the USA at that time. That’s why they rushed the Dayton Agreement.



The Dayton Agreement had two main purposes: ending the war and ensuring permanent stability in the region. Yes, the agreement ended the war, but Bosnia and Herzegovina was divided into pieces. 49% of the country became the Republika Srpska, as the Serbs wanted. 51% of the country became the Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation, where Bosnians and Croats comprised. There was also autonomous place named Brochko. As seen, the Dayton Agreement has an unfair and unlawful structure. They seem to be defending the unitary state structure. However, the agreement they made is an agreement that highlights federative structures. Thus, they put an obstacle in front of the central structure with this agreement. Because the nations that have already eliminated the feeling of Bosnia and Herzegovina, have now become more nationalistic each of them has acted for the interests of their own nation. For this reason divisive policies were followed. It is still possible to say that these divisive situations exist today.



International Public Opinion and International Organizations


If we look at the reactions of the international community to all these events, we can come to a general conclusion that it remains silent. But especially Türkiye has followed an active policy since the first moments. Because Türkiye sees the Balkans as a legacy from the Ottoman Empire and shares a common religion with the Muslims living here. Therefore, just as Türkiye didn’t remain silent on the Cyprus issue, it couldn’t remain silent about what was happening here either. So, what steps did Türkiye take in this regard? Türkiye provided secret weapons support to Bosnians despite the embargo of UN. Also it acted together with organizations such as the UN, NATO and EC. It sent both soldiers and humanitarian aid materials and non-governmental organizations also mobilized on this issue. As for the USA, with which Türkiye had close relations during this period; it conducted air strikes through NATO. However, it is difficult to say that it approaches the events with as much sensitivity as Türkiye.



I think the reason for this is that the USA is far from the region and does not have significant interests in this region. However, it is important because it led to Dayton Agreement, which stopped the war and at least prevented human deaths. In my opinion, the Netherlands is an important country during the war and should be considered one of the perpetrators of the Srebrenica Genocide. As I mentioned before; the Dutch forces assigned by the UN Peace Force to protect the region handed over the safe zone and Bosnians to the Serbs. As if all this were not enough, Thom Karremans received a thank you gift from Serbian commander Ratko Mladic at the end of the massacre.


     International public opinion includes not only countries, it includes also international organizations. In this context, it is also necessary to mention international organizations. I think the most active of these is NATO. Actually, NATO has been in the region since 1992. But it made its most serious and realistic intervention by shooting down four Serbian planes in 1994. In addition we can say that NATO intervention came late to the region. The reason for this is that the USA does not see any threat to itself. After the Dayton Agreement, IFOR was established in the region instead of UNPROFOR and IFOR was formed from NATO soldiers. Another organization, the UN; exhibited behavior that made people question the purpose of the organization during the war. Really, UN forces responded only when they were attacked themselves and remained unresponsive when it came to the Bosnians. Moreover, during the Srebrenica Genocide, when the Bosnians asked for their weapons to defend their region, the UN force rejected their request. According to what they said, it was their duty to defend the region but they did not fulfill this duty. In fact, the UN has taken some measures. Such as declaring a safe zone, imposing an arms embargo or establishing the International Criminal Court for Yugoslavia… But none of these measures worked. It declared a safe zone but as a result of the attacks of the Serbs, there was no difference between safe and unsafe zones. It ımposed an arms embargo but the Bosnians were the most effected by this embargo. The criminal court was established but it remained dysfunctional…


     The last organization I will mention is the European Community, which expresses unity but has disagreements within itself. So, we cannot talk about a single behavior. Generally  European countries, different from Türkiye, seem to be looking for a diplomatic solution but they have not taken any tangible and important actions in this sense. They prepared the Vance Owen Plan with the UN representative but this plan, like the Dayton Agreement, divided the country into ten cantons. Therefore, this plan was rejected at that time. Because the smallest share was given to Bosnians in the plan. In conclusion, the European Community, which stated that the problem was its own internal issue, could not bring a tangible solution to its own problem.


     Following the failure of international organizations, Bosnians filed a genocide lawsuit against Serbia in 2007. However, the International Court of Justice stated that there was no evidence that genocide took place. Because; the Serbs had thought of everything to camouflage the mass graves, from planting suitable for the climate of the region to placing metal pieces so that they could not be seen on satellite. Except for one thing; “the blue butterflies”.


     Human remains changed the structure of the soil and the Artemis Flower, which the Bosnians call “the flower of death”, began to bloom. The proliferation of the blue butterflies, which feed only on this flower, attracted the attention of researchers. When they dug up the places where the blue butterflies were found, they encountered the truth: a mass graves. This situation became a light for families who were looking for a grave where they could pray. Even today, the blue butterflies are helping Bosnians find their lost people. That’s why the blue butterflies represent hope and pain for Bosnians.




     As a result; the operation, which started during the Yugoslavian Civil War, turned from occupation to genocide. Even the UN Peace Force could not prevent this atrocity in the middle of Europe. This event was recorded in the archives as the largest mass murder after the Second World War. At the end of the war Dayton Agreement was signed but this agreement crippled the country. Even today, the effects of this disintegration and unlawful are still visible. According to stated by Professor Doctor Adamir Jerkovic; although the Bosnian population in the Central Bosnia canton is high but they can elect a few delegates in the elections. In short; even if they take the victory they can’t taking the power.


     Common ties must create common values or common enemies. These situations are not the case for ethnic structures in Bosnia. Therefore, the nations here should get rid of nationalism and act with a state focus and a common sense of belonging. Because, as Alija Izetbegovic said “There cannot be a Bosnia and Herzegovina without Serbs, Croats and Bosnians.”.

About Author

Selin Ardıç is a fourth-year undergraduate student at Istanbul Medeniyet University, Department of International Relations. She is interested in the Eastern Europe, she works specifically on the Balkans region.


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